the House Of Gentlemen

This is the blog where THE HOUSE is going to start. An entrepreneurship spirit of how a business idea is going to be created. Thus, the ultimate goal is to become a global brand. A GLOBAL CUSTOMIZATION FASHION WEAR.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Next 24hrs.. New Fabrics Pics..

Working.. Now my team mates are all looking for new job.. why?? cos who wanna work with a leader that doesn't use brain to do work?
Its so bad in my team that I am working with now. Everyone is not speaking their true self. Acting to be good but everyone is leaving .. haha.. Maybe that is team spirit.

Can u imagine banking industry is so bad and all yr team mates are looking for new job and not concern about retaining the current job..

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I get this quote from my friend's msn tag.. it says.

If yr bf is tall & good looking, u feel insecure. If u have a rich bf, he will have money to keep a mistress. Which do u prefer?

Interesting Quote do gals feel this way ??

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am working on Ladies

Am I going into ladies cos my biz is too good??

No la.. Of course. Must be humble must say no.
Obviously u guys are not making enough shirts from me now I have to earn Ladies money become xiao bai lian. If u guys fed me well enough i will not enter the female market hahhahahahaha

Its my aim to launch end or late this year. Cos ladies have been asking me....

And its also time to see other animals beside entertaining u sausages hahahah

As recession is coming i expect sales to drop so i need to open up more product line eg ladies shirts else how to get more $ to open a store one day??

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bird Day

..Once again tdy is my Bird Day .. Birthday .. yea.. rec alot of sms from my friends.
Unlucky week... Why?
Food Poisoning again 2 x in this year.. I have never had food poisoning before in my life
went to see a doct in my office area tdy. The receptionist ask for my identity card..
recep.." Well, seems like yr birthday is COMING "
elf.." Yea but i am having stomach pain what birthday present can i get at this time."

See the doctor..
Doct(SHE).."Are u local"
elf thinking in my mind .. (does that matter to u when i am having a stomach pain)
Yes I am make in Singapore
Doct "Wats wrong with u"
elf " I am having very bad stomach ache and having fever now

Doct "Okay injection will help u ease the pain faster do u want?"
elf'' Is that a birthday gift... okay then i will accept"

I don;t mind the pain but injection as a birthday GIFT sounds amazing .. SERIOUSLY AMAZING

Monday, October 6, 2008


Sunday, October 5, 2008

突然想寫中文 .. 好久沒寫了

看過我的部落格的朋友常說我的部落格很怪.. 為什麼呢 . 因為你把人身和生意寫在一起...可是也


女生看了有點心動或傷感.. 有些或許会掉眼淚..


不知不覺... 我领會到這就是用心去感動人..
心的力量... 用心所寫和做出來得成績單..

"I respect those who walk the Journey..." taken from below entry
Blog Design By A-Lan
Copyright © The House 2008