the House Of Gentlemen

This is the blog where THE HOUSE is going to start. An entrepreneurship spirit of how a business idea is going to be created. Thus, the ultimate goal is to become a global brand. A GLOBAL CUSTOMIZATION FASHION WEAR.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Employers Vs Employees

Fact: Most people in the world ended up being an employee. Employers hold the ultimate responsibilities in keeping the rest of the people surviving.

What do u think??

Everyone have choices.. What they want to be and what their dreams are…

Obviously, highly educated people and the talented students have always been sought after since high school or sec school days. To me they are known as the future employees of the big companies. To say the fact, the methods big companies use are like mobile phone deals contract tat comes along with strict contractual agreement. Once you have signed with them, lucrative salary is awaiting for you once u graduated. The strings attached ??? freedom to what your dreams really are…

Life as an Employee
Everyone of us have been an employee in our life. My first work experience comes from the famous fast-food chain McDonald. At that time, I jus reached the legal age of working (14 yrs old) and getting paid at S$4.50 an hour. My cousin was the one that brought me along with her as she wanna try her first time. Yeah…we were both virgin at that time we started our first time together.. WORKING la..what are u thinking… (wasted no ang bao)

Back to my topic.. Employee
-Getting stable pay as long you work
-Freedom to quit and join other companies when they pay much more (unless you are on contractual agreement)
-Pay is being restricted by employer
-You never earn as much as employer
-You never will be employed forever
-You enjoy the ride of economy growth and threats when fall
-You are not much different like a maid but treated as a high class maid, cos u still get scolded by your boss and customers
-Fear of getting retrenched if you fail to perform
-Can chao geng take MC, steal office stationary home and wayang or act blur @work
-Get to go for business overseas trip and find a way to date overseas ang mo.. haha

Overall, employees are still better off, cos you don't have much to worry about as compared to an employer.. Well you might disagree but after you read the employer section you might understand more.

Employers are known as the entrepreneur or risk taker. Their responsibility lies in leading the company and ensuring the business survive in whatever conditions.

I believe that being an employer u hold more responsibilities than what is really taught in books and in lectures. In view of employees, employers need to show care and concern to their employees. Understanding what’s wrong with them, motivating them, leading them, giving them the morale boost when things are going wrong. Seeing them being happy coming to work and sharing with you their families matters. Most importantly being part of the big family.
Further to that, ensuring business are on track as planned, earning enough profits that the business survive and able to pay their employees on time. Giving them their well deserved bonus and seeing them able to reach the Singapore 5C standard… All these are what a true boss is.

During my competition days in aussie (will elaborate in another blog entry), I was asked this question. What makes a successful company?
A successful company is one that most or close to 90% of its employees are happy working in there. A good example is to ask the toilet cleaner in a big companies if he or she is happy working in this company. Or getting someone in the lower management level .. Let’s say security officer.

If these small players can feel satisfied and happy working in this company.. To me this company is already a successful company. .....Why??
Big companies tend to forget about these small roles that these employees play during their service in the organizations. So how can a --So called successful company forget about them? What makes them different compared to the rest of the employees? Just that their educational level doesn’t qualify them to better jobs doesn’t mean we have to forget about them…

Back to Employers
-They control their company future
-They earn more then employers and get none if business fails
-They have to ensure that business survive
-They know they can’t fail else their employees will be jobless, and their family will get broke
-They decide who they want to retrench or fire
-They have to uphold their morals in business dealings
-They have to keep up with changes and organisations that fail to change from time to time will suffer.
-If they can’t be a good leader, strategic thinker and manager the business is going to suffer
-Failure to business can lead to mental pressure .. mayb bcum mad.. or change to another siao lang

All these are from my thoughts…


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